Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Let It Go

I write songs in spurts which has always been fine with me. For a very long time I got into this 3 songs in a row pattern. I'd finish three songs and then not write for awhile and then write 3 more then not. It seemed to even out. And that doesn't really count all of the little pieces of songs that would come to me, a line here, a melody there, a chorus, an idea, I just mean finished songs came in threes. And then I went through nearly a year where almost nothing was finished at all. And now I'm back to writing some here and there but they don't necessarily come in 3s anymore.

Lately though, I'm in a huge rut. I have 5 songs I'm working on at the moment that have the chorus 'Let It Go.' That sucks. The songs go where they go and you land somewhere and I keep landing at 'Let It Go.' Some are upbeat, some are sad, one is angry. And you should just let the songs go where they go. Let them create themselves sometimes. I figure, I'll just keep working on them and eventually change up the chorus' or abandon the songs all together. Because really, what can I do with 5 songs with the same title? That's just weird. But it's more weird that that phrase keeps popping into my head. What can it mean?

Should I let go in my writing? Follow the muse instead of trying to lead her by the hand? Should I let go in my life and let things happen? Try not to be so controlling of my path? Really try to surrender to the sentiment in my song 'Thy Will Be Done' which I often have such trouble doing? Should I let someone go? One of the songs seems to be a love song to let someone go, even though my life doesn't reflect that situation, but it's another variance on the theme. Or should I be letting something go, like my songwriting? If every time I come to the well, I hear 'Go Away' is that a sign as well?

I like looking for signs, confirmation that I'm on the right or wrong path. Certainly 'Let It Go' is a sign from within. Even if I could let go, I wouldn't even know what to start letting go of first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, at the very least, you have your next album title?
