Monday, April 28, 2008

Be My Friend

Conspiracy week was cut short. THEY didn't want me to say anything else so they had my husband lure me away from the computer with promises of wine tasting North of Santa Barbara. The wine did it's trick and I no longer remember my other conspiracies. If whatever the men in black did to my memory wears off, I'll continue to type away at their black veil of lies!

Wine country was really nice. I'll post a photo a photo or two sometime. I'm such a light weight. Even without drinking the whole tastes I still got dizzy after the first winery. Silly girl.

So, there is a marketing line of thought that says musicians should be mining myspace to find fans. The idea is, you do a search for someone who does music like you or someone who likes music like you. Then you go to all of their friends and send them friend requests to you. Theoretically they will like your music too and then become your friend.

I've never tried to do this. First, it's kind of a lot of work. I'm sure you know that searching myspace is not the easiest thing in the world. Second, it just seems weird and desperate in some way. Sure, you could say that if you really believe that there is therapeutic value in your music, you should push your music out there to 'heal' whoever might need it. If you don't push, someone who may need to hear a certain song of yours at a certain moment might miss you. Sure. But then, if they are meant to hear you, wouldn't they stumble upon you somehow already?

Nevertheless, I just tried that kind of 'marketing' just now. I'm done. I asked 2 whole people based on this method. It felt so icky and creepy. Searching through their friends felt like looking through their diary or underwear drawer or medicine cabinet. Obviously myspace is a public space, if they didn't want you to see their friends, they wouldn't be up there. But gosh it felt icky.

But, I'm supposed to do this. I've read tons of 'advice to musician' articles that say to do this. So I persevere. I can't just pull up somebody's page and hit the friend link. I feel I need to get to know them first. So read through the page, look for things I actually connect with them on so it doesn't feel like a lie when I say 'hey, I think we should be friends, we both like this one movie so now we're basically soul mates.' I send the request and mention something that I think we match on so that I don't have the cheesy 'hey check out my music please, pretty please, please!' I read through 3 pages and send friend requests to 2 of them.

On the third person, I read through the page and begin to think 'what a neat guy, we do have some things on common, lots of common movies, cool quotes on his page.' So I friend request him. His page doesn't take requests from bands. He doesn't want me wandering around in his friends, bugging him only in the hopes that he or his friends will join my music cult. I feel busted. I feel dirty. I feel sick. No more friend requests. Done.

Speaking of slimy, how does Perez Hilton get invited to the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner? Since when is he a White House Correspondent?

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