Friday, May 30, 2008

Catalog Choice

I started this trying out this new website online called Catalog Choice. You can go there to opt out of catalogs that are being sent to your house or workplace. Since I just started, I have no idea how well it works but it's certainly worth trying.

I'm trying it because I'm appalled at how many catalogs come into my work. Yes, one of my extremely important job duties is to pick up and sort the mail. Watch out! Anyway, there are tons of people who no longer work here who receive magazines and catalogs. So I started looking online to see if there was a way to get rid of them.

It's free to join Catalog Choice and once you're set up you just log on, type in the catalog and opt out. You can give the customer number on catalog to help the company find you for sure. And if they don't have the catalog registered, you can suggest the one you're getting and they'll work on getting it squared away in the future.

As I said, it's only been a few weeks so it will take awhile before I see a difference but it is nice to try out this easy technique to cut down on wasted trees and postage.

Now, the magazines that come into my work are an entirely different story. Many of them are marketing magazines and sometimes I wonder if I missed my calling. I find them fascinating. Especially with the internet changing the entire industry at such an alarming rate! I just read today about this guy, Jake Nickell who started a company called Treadless. It's so interesting.

But I realize that this is getting really long so I'll save Jake and Threadless for next week I guess. Have a great weekend!

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