Tuesday, March 11, 2008

No Do-overs

After a good night's sleep I am strangely more tired today than yesterday. So weird. But I think that may account for my bad mood. Thus I have hopefully excused the following rant.

I'm so annoyed with Florida. I'm tired of hearing about how they may or may not redo their primary election.

Look Florida and Michigan voters . Your state has screwed you. Your own state legislature illegally moved it's primary because they wanted to look cool. They wanted to be up in front. They knew it was against the rules when they did it and they did it anyway. And if you break the rules, then there are consequences. Don't we teach our children this? Well shouldn't we be teaching our children this!? Lord knows I'm seeing it all the time where people aren't willing to accept responsibility for their actions and instead want a do-over. There are no do-overs! You make choices and you must live with them.

Speaking of which, if you signed paperwork that says you agree to make payments on your house even if the payments jump up astronomically, then nobody should be bailing you out. You signed it. Suck it up.

Back to the topic. So the states put themselves in this spot. The Democratic National Committee then decided, you're breaking the rules so we will give you the consequence, your vote will not count. This is the consequence that is written in their rulebook; a consequence that Florida and Michigan voted for a year and a half earlier! Now they what a do-over as well. They are scrambling to find a way to make Florida and Michigan count. The chairman himself, Howard Dean, says they need to find a solution to this. You know what that solution is? Let it go. Those states made a choice to break the rules. Done. Let it go.

Oh yes, but the voters of those states are very upset. I didn't see a whole lot of them protesting the move of the date of their primaries. Were they writing and calling their representatives saying 'please don't move up the primaries?' Nope. If you sit back and let other people run your lives then you get what you pay for.

You think I'm kidding? Do you know how easy it is to write your government officials? Are you telling me that you can find ten places online to send fan mail to George Clooney but you can't find the email address to someone who actually makes decisions that affect your life?

Florida, Michigan, ask your reps to move the primary back to where it's supposed to be for 2012. Better luck next time. You still get to vote for president. And in accepting the consequences of your actions gracefully, you become an excellent example for your children.

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