Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Wisdom of Loretta

Woohoo! It's time for some speed blogging today my friend. Here are the hits for today!

Booked a second new show at a new venue in the Valley! Psyched that it was at the time and date that I really wanted. Bummed when hours later I got bumped to a later time. Still psyched about the venue. It's a cool little restaurant that usually has jazz. One night a week they do singer/songwriter stuff. It still has the cool jazz atmosphere though.

Got a rejection letter/email for a song I tried to place. Man. These hit me seriously hard. At least they are 'keeping me on file for later.' I sure wish that didn't sound so much like 'don't call us, we'll call you.' I'm supposed to send these out more often?! Are you crazy? Who would volunteer to walk up to people and say 'Please hit me in the gut as hard as you can. And I'll thank you for it.'

And yet I'm still a little positive. Not about the songs I pitched. I guess I should 'pitch' them in trash next. ;) But I've been working on a new song this week and it is lifting my spirits. I mentioned earlier that I wrote the lyrics back in May. Actually, my songwriter friend Jason Riggs ( is my partner in commiserating crimes. We go back and forth through email about songwriting, especially on the hard days. I had listed to him some conflicts I had in myself and he said I should turn them into a song. So I turned them into lyrics and added a couple more. But I haven't felt a melody for it.

This week I decided it was the right time to make it happen. And it did happen. And now I've been humming it all day long. Take that rejection email! 'Don't You Oppress Me!' as said by Loretta in Life Of Brian. (I like quoting that one a lot.)

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